科教工作 scientific research

科研系列讲座 第二讲




时间:8月30日 下午16:00-18:00


丁松泽简介:医学博士,副主任医师,中心实验室副主任。1992 年北京医科大学内科消化病博士毕业到我院工作,历任主治医师,副主任医师。1998年赴美国从事消化系统疾病的科研工作,主要进行胃幽门螺杆菌感染的致病、致癌机制、干细胞和表观遗传学等方面的研究。曾在美国德州大学、弗吉尼亚大学、及日本北海道大学等国际著名大学留学、任教。发表多篇系列学术论文,并在国内、外该专业领域取得了一定的学术声誉。现为四家国际专业期刊编委,2010年以来先后已有160余家国际期刊来函征稿或约稿,并为其中二十余家期刊审核论文稿件。学术研究方向为:慢性炎性感染关联癌症的致癌机制及防治;幽门螺旋杆菌感染诱发胃癌的分子机制及防治。20135月以海外学者由本院引进回国工作。从事消化系统疾病的临床医疗、科研和教学工作二十余年。


Dr. Song-Ze Ding is an Associate Professor of Gastroenterology, and Associate Director for Center of Translational Medicine at People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou University, or Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, in Zhengzhou, Henan, China.   He received his MD/Ph.D. degree from Beijing Medical University, and later pursued postdoctoral work at University of Texas and University of Virginia in Helicobacter pylori infection related gastric disease research.  Dr. Ding also served as an Associate Professor in Institute of Genetic Medicine at Hokkaido University, in Sapporo, Japan. 


Dr. Ding’s research is focused on inflammation, stem cell, epigenetics and epithelial cancer.  The primary model is Helicobacter pylori infection related human gastric diseases.  He is currently editorial board member for four international journals, also serves as expert reviewer for 23 reputed international journals, and has more than 30 publications in peer-reviewed international journals.


Research Interests:  inflammation and cancer

1.H. pylori infection, oncogenic pathways, stem cell and epithelial cancer

2.Chronic inflammation related cancer and oncogenic transformation


近期表的/ Selected Publications 


1.  Ding SZ, Yang YX, Li XL, Michelli AR, Han SY, Wang X, Budhraja A, Son YK, Hiltron, AJ. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition during oncogenic transformation induced by Hexavalent Chromium involves reactive oxidative species-dependent mechanism in lung epithelial cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2013; 269: 61–71. (corresponding author).


2.  Ding SZ and Zheng PY.  Helicobacter pylori-induced gastric cancer; advance in gastric stem cell research and the remaining challenges. Gut Pathogens 2012;4:18 (corresponding author)


3Ding SZ, Goldberg JB, Hetakeyama M.  Helicobacter pylori infection, oncogenic pathway and epigenetic mechanism in gastric carcinogenesis (review). Future Oncology 2010;6 (5): 849-860 (corresponding author).


4Ding SZ, Fischer W, Kaparakis-Liaskos M, Liechti G, Merrell DS, Grant PA, Ferrero RL, Crowe SE, Haas R, Hatakeyama M, Goldberg JB.  Helicobacter pylori-induced histone modification, associated gene expression in gastric epithelial cells, and its implication in pathogenesis.  PLoSONE2010:4 (5); e9875.


5.  Ding SZ, Olekanovich, IN, Cover TL, Peek RM Jr., Smith MF Jr., and Goldberg JB.  Helicobacter pyloriand mitogen-activated protein kinases modulate activator protein-1 subcomponent protein expression andDNAbinding activity in gastric epithelial cells. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2008;53 (7):385-394.


6.  Ding SZ, Smith MF Jr., and Goldberg JB.  Helicobacter pylori and mitogen-activated protein kinases regulate the cell cycle, proliferation and apoptosis in gastric epithelial cells. J  Gastroenterol and Hepatol 2008;23 (7 Pt. 2):78-89.


7.  Ding SZ, Minohara Y, Fan XJ, Wang, J, Reyes, VE, Patel J, Dirden-Kramer, B, Boldogh I, Ernst, PB, Crowe SE.  Helicobacter pylori infection induces oxidative stress and programmed cell death in human gastric epithelial cells.  Infect Immun. 2007;75(8):4030-9.         


8.  Ding SZ, Torok AM, Smith MF Jr., Goldberg JB.  Toll-like receptor 2 mediated gene expression in epithelial cells during Helicobacter pylori infection.  Helicobacter 2005;10:193-204.


9.  Ding SZ, O'Hara AM, Denning TL, Dirden-Kramer B, Mifflin RC, Reyes VE, Ryan KA, Elliott SN, Izumi T, Boldogh I, Mitra S, Ernst PB, Crowe SE.  Helicobacter pylori and H2O2 increase AP endonuclease-1/redox factor-1 expression in human gastric epithelial cells.  Gastroenterology. 2004;127(3):845-58.


10.  Smith MF Jr, Mitchell A, Li G, Ding S, Fitzmaurice AM, Ryan K, Crowe S, Goldberg JB. Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR5, but not TLR4, are required for Helicobacter pylori-induced NF-kappa B activation and chemokine expression by epithelial cells.   J Biol Chem. 2003;278(35):32552-60.
